My name is Ahmed Al Muhairy; I was born July 07, 1988 in Abu Dhabi. I have four brothers. I had a wonderful childhood filled with fun times and at first I was interested in football and my love for the game hasn't stopped until this day.
My only hobby is football. There are four different clubs that I support and they are Alain FC (UAE) , Manchester United (England), Real Madrid (Spain) and Inter Milan (Italy).I enjoy playing football alot and I always try to play whenever I get the chance. It's been my first hobby and since then its been great.
In my childhood I admit I was very spoiled. Don’t ask me why since I was the four of five brothers but life was good. As I grew up things started to change in my studies, I wasn’t a bad student but my marks were deteriorating so I started to get things straight and back on track.
As an early teenager I was sort of the quiet type that didn't talk much but I was blessed with many friends inside of school and outside .As for school, it was pretty routine, with the weekdays being all studying but having fun during the weekends. After spending secondary in a tough school, I felt I needed a change because frankly the school was ruining my life! my decision was to leave the school as soon as possible without ever looking back again. I will give credit where it's due because the school did help with my English learning. After leaving, I looked for an academy which will not take all my time. I found a suitable place that I was comfortable with.
When I entered highschool, it was a very different story because I had changed schools and the school that accepted me was a good school and they were very lenient in many ways. As a reasult the three years of high school were quick and easy ,and i have to admit as it was the best time of my life because I met alot of friendly people who became very good friends and acquaintances.
When I graduated my path was already in my mind and the HCT the next step. I hope to achieve what I want in the next two years and hope to go abroad when I graduate from it. The UK‘s climate I feel will best suite me because when I first visited it I fell in love with it, London is a very beautiful city with many distinctive places and restaurants.One of the reasons I chose London was, I have a friend studying there now. He was disappointed that I chose to stay in the UAE but i promised him that I would join him there and I intend to keep my word.